Sunday, November 1, 2009


wow....a post! Believe it or not..I did not take a lot of pictures on Halloween this year...My camera and I are taking some time off before the busy season starts this coming week...
So October is over now...but it was pretty fun!

For Halloween we kept it low sort of. The day started slow. We went and trick or treated at the mall. Then we went with our neighbors and the boys best friend Matthew and Joespeh...and Elizabeth to trick or treat.

Next we went to ALi's for a insanly good Halloween food party with the fam and Sam and Nancy! We all could not stop eating...enter more trick treating with cousin Quinn.

The last part of the eveing was a little odd. I had asked earlier if Ma and Pa could watch our sleeping kids so John and I could go out with Erin get a couple of drinks and watch people in costumes. We did not see anyone is costume really...but what did happen is us spending the night in the ER after John tried to do the Kid in Play dance move in flip flops. He fractured his toe and took most of the skin off. We have not laughed that hard in a long time!

Hope you all had a exciting Halloween!

I will give you a blog warning right now....I probbaly will only be back to blog about Liam's Bday on Turkey Day...I am booked solid with work this month :O


Mistie said...

Looks like you had a great time!

Julie Livermore said...

Looks like a fun day! Cute costumes!

mrsjling said...

Love the costumes! Looks like you had lots of fun :-)

Katherine Schultz said...

What glorious images! Looks like you had a ball :)

I love your blog, so fun and creative..

k xx -- stop by if you get the chance.